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WHOIS Privacy
Once a domain name is purchased and registered, the owner’s personal information is made publicly available via a WHOIS Lookup service. All details including your name, address, phone number and email address are displayed. This information can be misused by spammers, hackers and identity thieves, who can easily collect your contact details which are visible. By purchasing the WHOIS Privacy service from just £4.99 per year your details are hidden from the public as our Fortis Hosting proxy contacts will be shown instead – see the table below.
Domain Details | Without Domain Privacy | With Domain Privacy |
Domain Name | | |
Name of Owner | Your Name | Fortis Hosting Provider Name |
Your email address | Fortis Hosting Provider Email | |
Address | Your address | Fortis Hosting Provider Address |
Contact Number | Your contact number | Fortis Hosting Provider Number |
Domain Privacy for New Domains
When you register a new domain with us, you will have the option to add Domain Privacy during the order process.
Buy Domain Privacy for an existing domain from just £4.99 per year
If you would like to add WhoIS privacy option to a domain or all domains you hold with Fortis Hosting, simply log onto your Control Panel account and select the WhoIs Privacy under domains.