With ever increasing fraud online, consumers are continually being warned against submitting data on unsecure websites. Consumers look for assurance that they are protected. Buying your own SSL certificate provides that protection by allowing your consumers to send encrypted credit card details and other sensitive data securely.
How to check if a website has a valid SSL certificate

Choose the right SSL Certificate for you
- Activates browser padlock
- Encryption level
- Vetting
- Simple set up with AutoCSR
- Warranty
- Strong security in older browsers
- Server license
- Browsers supported
- Mobile device support
- Activates browser padlock
- Encryption level
- Vetting
- Simple set up with AutoCSR
- Warranty
- Strong security in older browsers
- Server license
- Browsers supported
- Mobile device support
- Activates browser padlock
- Encryption level
- Vetting
- Simple set up with AutoCSR
- Warranty
- Strong security in older browsers
- Server license
- Browsers supported
- Mobile device support
- Activates browser padlock
- Encryption level
- Vetting
- Simple set up with AutoCSR
- Warranty
- Strong security in older browsers
- Server license
- Browsers supported
- Mobile device support
Understanding the product features

Domain SSL
Low cost and issued almost instantaneously without the need to fill in any paperwork. Domains are validated using Whois information and an approval email is sent to the listed administrator. For use with single fully qualified domain names (FQDN) eg. www.domain.com. Wildcard function included to secure multiple sub domains of a Top Level Domain. Only the FQDN appears on the certificate and site seal allowing the certificate to be issued in minutes.

Extended SSL
Strict vetting process following guidelines set by the CA/B Forum. Highest level of SSL authentication currently available. Extended SSL activates the green address bar in the latest generation browsers (from IE7 up including Firefox, Safari and Chrome) as well as the standard yellow padlock. Extended SSL details the organisation name and certification authority that delivered the certificate. This provides the highest level of assurance and trust to visitors. Certificate is for single Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) eg. www.domain.com. No Wildcard options are allowed and certificates are issued within 3 – 5 business days.

Organisational SSL
Full company vetting. After validation, the organisation name will appear within the certificate and the Site Seal. Certificate is for single Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) eg. www.domain.com and Public IP addresses. Organisational SSL can have a Wildcard function or Subject Alternative Names (SANs) which can be used to secure multiple addresses within the certificate. Certificates are usually issued within 2 business days.